We Are Enough

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Due to colonialism, commodification, objectification of the woman’s body, Indigenous and nonIndigenous woman have been devoured without being touched, tasted, courted, and honoured.

Indigenous woman are seeking to create spaces, places and experiences to release and challenge contemporary society and changing this dynamic into a sacred act of supporting women, sisterhood, holding space and interdependence. We Are Enough represents the transference of energy, knowledge and healing from woman to woman. Heart to heart.

The sage represents the renewal of cycles, purification and sacredness of woman’s bodies. Sexuality is a medicine for the spirit and therefore is sacred. The sexual and sacred are not separate and neither are women. This medicine is deep in our psyche and is waiting for us to show up and regain power, realign, reorder, and reassert strength.

Nature is the presence of sexuality and creativity, to be engulfed as women in nature is the symbolizing that we are one, that we are of the land and also too must be honored, respected and cherished as if it were a lover, soul mate.