Embodied Earth Healing is an earth-centered embodiment practice embedded within Indigenous ways of knowing and being that creates a pathway to explore the body’s connection, and reconnection, back to mother earth and our own sovereign human nature.

Embodied Earth Healing honours the body as a sacred site of memory, intuition and wisdom by acknowledging that we are all Indigenous to our bodies. The quest for this connection to mind, body, and spirit, is the journey back into the sacred vessel—the first territory. Unearthing our embodied stories by connecting with the healing power of the earth supports balance, release and validation of one’s life’s experience, and opens the portal to express truth with courage, honesty, wisdom and liberation.

This practice incorporates ceremony, rituals, and the cycles of the cosmos, seasons, and rhythms and vibrations of nature. This practice involves bravely engaging bodies in many landscapes, bodies of water, flora, and fauna, and to become in deep conversation with the land. Engaging one’s body in the earth supports grounding and re-centers the central nervous system, re-aligning with the heartbeat of the earth, transforming the inner landscape to one of harmony, balance and love, while awakening the intrinsic wisdom of our earth bodies.

This activated wisdom empowers the resurgence of ancient rituals and practices, and the embodiment of understanding this wisdom, contributes to decolonization of our bodies, minds and hearts by informing and empowering us to understand our political, social and sovereign powers in society. Resurgence of this ancient knowledge and weaving the teachings into embodiment practices in connection to Mother Earth teachings contributes to the balance, restoration, and resurgence of earth-centered ways of knowing, strengthening the identities, cultural knowledge and harmony of all peoples.

The human body when reclaimed becomes a powerful agent for change by uniting with the ancestral powers, while connecting to our bloodlines and stories embedded within our DNA and bones. Embodied Earth Healing acknowledges and recognizes that cultural identity is interwoven with and always been connected to 'land.'